In the healthcare industry, OIG exclusions monthly screening is important because it helps these organizations identify potential employees that may not be suitable for this line of work based on prior criminal activities or license issues. Here are some protocols you want to follow when conducting these monthly exclusion screenings within your own practice.

Designate Staff to Carry Out Exclusion Screenings

There needs to be a dedicated party executing these OIG monthly exclusion screenings because then, you'll have an easier time keeping up with these activities and ensuring that they're being performed according to the right regulatory standards. 

Once you highlight certain staff members to carry out these screenings, proceed to give them formal training that lets them know how to use exclusion screening tools and educates them on protocols they need to comply with at all times. These measures will help you avoid issues like overlooking employees with criminal backgrounds or other regulatory complications. 

Focus on Relevant Databases

In order for your OIG monthly exclusion screenings to be relevant and subsequently effective, you need to make sure you're looking at the right databases from the beginning. There are actually a lot of them available today and being specific with your search can give you better results that keep your healthcare organization compliant.

You should be able to find out which databases are relevant by reviewing your state's specific practices regarding monthly exclusion screening. Also, keep in mind that these relevant databases might change, so do your best to stay on top of these regulatory shifts if they occur. 

Continue to Improve Screening Protocols

You never want to get complacent with the way your healthcare organization conducts monthly exclusion screenings. Instead, you want to constantly improve the protocols involved in this process because it's going to keep you organized and lead to more accurate screening results.

You can hire a consultant group to consistently analyze your screening practices, seeing where there is room for improvement at different intervals. Then you can make the right adjustments, whether it's upgrading software or hiring better staff that's in charge of monthly exclusion screening. Never rest on your laurels when it comes to this important screening task.

If you have a healthcare organization, taking care of OIG monthly exclusions screening will be necessary. You can make sure these practices are set up with the right standards by focusing on things like who's carrying these screenings out and which tools they rely on. 
